Bootstrap Protocol Server

BOOTPS (Bootstrap Protocol Server) is a network service that assigns IP addresses and configuration settings to client devices during the boot process. It is commonly used in environments where devices need to be booted over the network, such as diskless workstations or thin clients. BOOTPS operates on UDP port 67.

What is Bootstrap Protocol Server

BOOTPS, or Bootstrap Protocol Server, is a network service designed to facilitate the booting process of devices over a network. It assigns IP addresses and other configuration settings to client devices, enabling them to communicate on the network. This service is particularly useful in environments where devices do not have local storage or need to be centrally managed, such as in diskless workstations, thin clients, or embedded systems.

The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) was developed in the 1980s as a precursor to the more modern Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). While DHCP has largely replaced BOOTP in most applications, BOOTPS is still used in specific scenarios where its simplicity and compatibility are advantageous. BOOTPS operates on UDP port 67 for server communications and UDP port 68 for client communications.

In a typical BOOTPS setup, a client device sends a BOOTP request to the server when it is powered on. The server then responds with an IP address and other necessary configuration parameters, such as the default gateway and subnet mask. This allows the client to join the network and access resources without requiring manual configuration. BOOTPS is an essential service in network environments that rely on centralized management and automated device provisioning.

Bootstrap Protocol Server runs on TCP and UDP port 67 and is official IANA port.

Security risk

If port 67 is open and the BOOTPS service is running, unauthorized devices could potentially receive IP addresses and network configuration, leading to security vulnerabilities. Additionally, attackers could exploit this service to perform man-in-the-middle attacks or disrupt network operations by providing incorrect configuration information to clients.

In our UFW tutorial you can follow instructions how you can configure UFW to close port 67. Use StackChanges to monitor if the Bootstrap Protocol Server port is closed and stays closed. StackChanges will send an alert if port 67 is open again.