FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure version of FTP that uses TLS and SSL to encrypt data transfers. It ensures that files are transferred securely over the network, protecting sensitive information from interception. FTPS is commonly used in environments where data security is a priority.

What is FTPS

FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the traditional File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that incorporates support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols. This enhancement provides a secure channel for transferring files over a network, ensuring that data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access during transit.

FTPS was developed to address the security shortcomings of FTP, which transmits data, including usernames and passwords, in plain text. By leveraging TLS and SSL, FTPS encrypts the data stream, making it significantly more difficult for malicious actors to intercept and read the data being transferred. This makes FTPS a preferred choice for organizations that handle sensitive or confidential information.

FTPS operates over two modes: explicit and implicit. In explicit mode, the client and server negotiate the security settings before any data is transmitted, while in implicit mode, the connection is assumed to be secure from the start. Port 990 is typically used for implicit FTPS connections. The adoption of FTPS has grown in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and government, where data security and compliance with regulations are critical.

FTPS runs on TCP and UDP port 990 and is official IANA port.

Security risk

If port 990 is open and the FTPS service is running, there is a risk that unauthorized users could attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the FTPS implementation. Ensuring that strong encryption protocols are used and that the server is regularly updated to patch security vulnerabilities is crucial. Additionally, proper authentication mechanisms should be in place to prevent unauthorized access.

In our UFW tutorial you can follow instructions how you can configure UFW to close port 990. Use StackChanges to monitor if the FTPS port is closed and stays closed. StackChanges will send an alert if port 990 is open again.