Server Location

SVRLOC, or Service Location Protocol, operates on port 427 and is used to help clients locate network services. It simplifies the process of finding services on a network by providing a standardized method for service discovery. This protocol is particularly useful in dynamic environments where services frequently change.

What is Server Location

SVRLOC, or Service Location Protocol (SLP), is a protocol that operates on port 427 and is designed to help clients locate network services. It provides a framework for the discovery and selection of network services, making it easier for clients to find the resources they need without manual configuration. This is particularly useful in dynamic environments where services may frequently change or move.

SLP was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and is defined in RFC 2608. The protocol allows devices to discover services such as printers, file servers, and other network resources without prior knowledge of their locations. This is achieved through a combination of service agents, user agents, and directory agents that work together to advertise and locate services.

In practical terms, SLP can significantly reduce the administrative overhead associated with managing network services. By automating the discovery process, it allows for more flexible and scalable network configurations. However, it is important to secure SLP traffic to prevent unauthorized access and potential misuse of network resources.

Server Location runs on TCP and UDP port 427 and is official IANA port.

Security risk

If port 427 is open and the SVRLOC service is running, it could expose the network to unauthorized service discovery. Attackers could potentially locate and exploit network services, leading to unauthorized access or denial of service attacks. It is crucial to secure this port and monitor its usage to mitigate these risks.

In our UFW tutorial you can follow instructions how you can configure UFW to close port 427. Use StackChanges to monitor if the Server Location port is closed and stays closed. StackChanges will send an alert if port 427 is open again.